When I was about 10 years old, I went to see a ballet performance of Sleeping Beauty in the Vienna State Opera together with my sister. We always got the standing tickets – which are the best tickets (and the least expensive one’s) – right across from the stage all the way in the back. […]
Just Go For It
Sometimes colleagues, friends or family will tell you: ”Just go for it!” They mean to encourage you to jump over your own shadow and get out of your own way. They believe in you and you might even share their overall confidence. But despite the overall “positivity” you observe yourself still not going for it.That’s […]
Continuous Improvement
Continuous improvement is a great methodology to gradually move a project forward. It gives you the power to start out in a dull place of suboptimal to end up in a place of amazing glitter and shine (if that’s what your project is about).
Just Be Yourself
…is probably the worst advice anyone can give to you when preparing for something unusual like a speech or an important meeting. I always found “be yourself” as external advice very confusing. I believe that your behavior is always a consequence of the surrounding context. Anything else would probably be considered unsociable, weird or both. […]
Creativity Unplugged
Many people associated creativity with artists or artistic works. They might think that it needs a certain discipline to be creative. But if you look a bit closer, I’m sure you have noticed creative moments pop up in the most unusual places and far away from anything artistic. How is that possible you might ask? […]
Waiting for Success
The late comedian Jonathan Winters once said: “I couldn’t wait for success so I went ahead without it.”
What is it that you can just go ahead with today?
Planning For The Unexpected
When working on something new like a creative, innovative or entrepreneurial project, it is clear that some unexpected things will occur. How do you deal with that reality?
The Path of Least Resistance
When I was a teenager and ignorantly naive, it allowed me to just go ahead with things without fear. With age and a few failures later, I started using…
Self-inducted mismatch
When I was a teenager and ignorantly naive, it allowed me to just go ahead with things without fear. With age and a few failures later, I started using my experience to become more strategic about my efforts. It led to optimising my time, my capacities and my career. The problem was…
I have this feeling
As a performing artist, you will be expected to produce authentic looking feelings on demand. It is a skill set that you will learn and practice during your education. In a first step, you will isolate and correctly name individual feelings. Later on you will practice to express them with the right build up, dosage […]