
Reach your New goals more Precisely

What can Personal coaching do for me?

When using the term coaching think of “a coach” – a vehicle. It’s a technique that will help you get from point A to point B. You decide yourself where you want to place those points.

As a certified transformational coach, I can offer you a confidential and safe space to talk about what is on your mind and help you identify ways forward that make sense to you.

What my clients say

Please note that the names and portraits have been changed for confidentiality reasons. The quotes are authentic, however. Thank you!

Career transition for dancers and performing artist

Career transitions for professional dancers and stage artists is a very distinctive and complex process. It often needs a multi-layered approach to identify and implement the right path forward. It can seem overwhelming at times to know where to start.

If you are in this situation and unsure about your choices or in need of an unbiased outside view, I might be able to help you. As a former professional dancer I have knowledge that can help to get to what matters most to you faster and more precisely.

Book a time

You should count 40 to 50 minutes for the session itself. To get the most out of it, I recommend reserving some extra time before and after. The sessions are conducted via Zoom. Please reach out to find out more or book your time.


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