The Path of Least Resistance

Photo by Omar Flores
When training to become a dancer, working out is part of your daily routine. Physical effort, sweating and being out of breath are elements that you are working with on a daily basis. Most things you’ll learn can actually only be acquired by physical practice, analysis and repetition. That’s how you’ll develop your skill. For most challenges it will be true that the more effort you put into it, the better the results will be. This reality loses its truth when you are developing your career or an entrepreneurial project offstage. It can seem counter-intuitive to accept that you can have access to a desired result without having to go through a lot of effort. I found that the methodology of following the path with the least resistance proves a much better strategy in those contexts. Keep in mind that only because it represents little effort to you, doesn’t mean that it is easy to do nor that others will consider it low in value. Photography by Omar Flores

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